Thursday, March 16, 2017

My Reflection

Image result for website            Creating a website looks easy but doing it by yourselves can be hard and should be proficient in arts and the codes used. I’ve experience many difficulties in creating a website specially the introduction part because this section will determine if your website is interesting or not. Finishing this website will create satisfaction within me. I feel relieved that I can create a website that can help other students to understand more about Notre Dame of Cotabato and let them know of the most memorable experience a student will encounter here. With the quality education NDC has to offer, lessons and activities are perfectly balance which makes my website true and concise. My website is just a little step for the future of Notre Dame of Cotabato. Soon, NDC will create an official webpage that sums up all the activities and happenings inside.

Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Basic Principles of Graphic Layout

In the visual age of the Internet it’s relatively easy to create your own graphic designs, but they don’t have to look homemade.Whether you’re designing a logo, an event announcement, a social network banner, a letterhead, or an email newsletter; you absolutely need to know five basic principles of graphic design.

Proximity means grouping elements together so that you guide the viewer/reader to different parts of the message. Notice below in the template on the left, taken from Apple’s Pages, related elements are grouped together, as opposed to the linear arrangement of amateur designs as shown on the right.


Another important design principle is aligning elements in a visual and readable arrangement. Most amateur designers start off by aligning everything in the center of the page, but that’s not the only way. Again with the “scattered” looking design, we can see the alignment of elements that helps keep the design balanced. The top group of text is left-aligned, and three larger text elements are vertically aligned.


Like the use of repetitious hooks in a song, repeating elements in a graphic design can be visually appealing. Repetition puts emphasis on particular elements of a design, and it draws the reader’s attention to those elements.


Contrast between design elements can make a presentation stand out and get noticed. Take for example this original template from the personal graphic design site, The elements of the design are grouped together, with strong alignment and repetition of  of the arrows and bullet points. But for some purposes, the original design could be a little flat.

White Space

Depending on the presentation, the use of white space can be very powerful in design. It’s useful when you want to make a direct message, to stand out above the clutter found in many graphic designs. In this Canva business card template, the empty space helps bring clarity to the message.

Difference Between Piktochart, Photoscape and Photo Bucket

Piktochart - is a web-based infographic application which allows users without intensive experience as graphic designers to easily create professional-grade infographics using themed templates
Photoscape -  is a graphics editing program, developed by MOOII Tech, Korea. The basic concept of PhotoScape is 'easy and fun', allowing users to easily edit photographs taken from their digital cameras or even mobile phones.
Photobucket - is an American image hosting and video hosting website, web services suite, and online community dedicated to preserving and sharing the entire photo and video lifecycle

Tuesday, December 13, 2016

" Dota Player and an Honor Student"


                           Can you imagine a person who is a dota player and the same time an honor student? Yeah, I am that person who can control this two things. For me, this two should be controlled seriously. Being a Dota player and an honor student has different perspective.        

                       Hi! My name is John Edric B. Lumibao born in Cotabato City. I live in San pablo Village Cotabato City with my 2 brothers. I also have a bestfriend whom I trust the most. My parents are both employed and always loves me and my brother. At school, I have different struggles and challenges that should be face resulting in a stress. I always play Dota at home to enjoy myself and have fun. Yes, I play Dota but that doesn't mean that i run from the responsibilities at school. Yes, you can become a Dota player and an honor student but you should focus more on your studies than playing Dota because it can't help you in the future. Education is a big help for you to understand everything and become successful in life.

                                Yes, This is possible but be sure to be more focused on your studies to be successful in life. Soon, I want to be a successful man who can play dota and that could be awesome. Go on and become a professional dota player and a successful man.

Private policy

       Twitter’s Private Policy

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              Twitter will not show your private information like phone number, location and other private stuff until the user say to share it to others. This site use your private information for confirming that you are the one using like the third party websites. Twitter need to tighten their security as tight as possible by confirming some private information to them. In the public, They will share or disclose it depending on the user. Twitter can share to other users the number of your followers, the number of people you are following and others. Twitter has also more private feature to talk like the direct message. Twitter has no capability to share it with others.
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Facebook’s private policy

Image result for facebook       Facebook collect the content and other information you provide when you use our Services, including when you sign up for an account, create or share, and message or communicate with others. This can include information in or about the content you provide, such as the location of a photo or the date a file was created. Facebook also collect content and information that other people provide when they use our Services, including information about you, such as when they share a photo of you, send a message to you, or upload, sync or import your contact information.

Thursday, December 1, 2016

Tips on how to stay safe online

Image result for stay safe online1)      Don’t post any personal information online – like your address, email address or mobile number.
2)      Think carefully before posting pictures or videos of yourself.  Once you’ve put  a picture of yourself online most people can see it and may be able to download it, it’s not just yours anymore.
3)      Keep your privacy settings as high as possible
4)      Never give out your passwords
Image result for stay safe online5)      Don’t befriend people you don’t know
6)      Don’t meet up with people you’ve met online.  Speak to your parent or carer about people suggesting you do
7)      Remember that not everyone online is who they say they are
8)      Think carefully about what you say before you post something online
9)      Respect other people’s views, even if you don’t agree with someone else’s views doesn’t mean you need to be rude

Image result for stay safe online10)     If you see something online that makes you feel uncomfortable, unsafe or worried: leave the website, turn off your computer if you want to and tell a trusted adult immediately.
 11)    Kick-butt passwords. Do away with the “Fitguy1982” password and use an extremely uncrackable one like 9&4yiw2pyqx#. Phrases are good too. Regularly change passwords and don’t use the same passwords for critical accounts. For more tips on how to create strong passwords, go to
 12)     Protect your info. Keep your guard up. Back up all of your  data on your computer, smartphone and tablet in the event of loss, theft or a crash. Also, routinely check your various financial statements for questionable activity.
13)     Watch your Wi-Fi connectivity. Protect your network by changing your router’s default settings and making sure you have the connection password-protected. For more information on how to protect your Wi-Fi connection, click here.
14)     Install a firewall. A firewall is a great line of defense against cyber-attacks. Although most operating systems come with a firewall, you might want to consider installing McAfee LiveSafe™service which has a much better firewall than the one that comes built into your operating system.
15)      Keep up to date. The best security software updates automatically to protect your computer. Use the manufacturer’s latest security patches to make regular updates and make sure that you have the software set to do routine scans
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